
On Nauru, a Sinking Feeling

28/07/2011 12:02
By MARCUS STEPHEN NEW YORK TIMES - Yaren, Nauru -  I forgive you if you have never heard of Nauru — but you will not forgive yourselves if you ignore our story. At just 8 square miles, about a third of the size of Manhattan, and located in the southern Pacific Ocean, Nauru appears as merely a...

Alamea outbreak threatens Samoas marine eco system

01/03/2011 03:15
By Cherelle Jackson  APIA - A massive outbreak in the population of alamea or Crown-of-Thorns (COTs) starfish (alamea, Acanthaster planci) in the oceans of Samoa is a cause for great concern. This is according to Marine Conservation Officer for Conservation International (CI) Samoa office,...

Samoa continues climate change media shun

29/11/2010 02:48
  Photo and Story by Cherelle Jackson The Samoan Prime Minister, the Minister of Natural Resource and Evironment and the CEO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade are all in Cancun, Mexico this week to take part in the global climate change summit, yet there was no official press...

It’s a whale of an issue

29/11/2010 02:35
By Cherelle Jackson The term 'Whale Puddle' was coined as a joke, by an Australian conservation worker who was having a go at the names of environmental projects in the Pacific region. We were trying to figure out a Conservation International project on oceans, and upon hitting a mind blank said:...

Extinction of bird species and Samoas responsibility

29/11/2010 02:33
  “In ten years, some species will be extinct,” Dr Ulf Beichle       Short Tail Parrot Finch. Photo: G. Haufmann By Cherelle Jackson ‘Extinction’ is a severe word; it’s one of those words that are over used in sci-fi films, when a cheap plot is being developed a fake...

Samoa’s emissions double in latest report

23/08/2010 01:18
By Cherelle Jackson It's ironic really, Samoa plays the victim in climate change very well, we love to expose our climate wounds; so to speak, we plead and beg developed nations to slow down and take heed. We play the developing island card and the vulnerable islands mentality so beautifully in the...

Gillards climate change policy, no great help for Samoa

23/08/2010 00:23
By Cherelle Jackson It comes to no surprise really, that the new Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has pitched yet another delaying tactic on climate change actions by Australia. The political games on climate change though entertaining for world media is not a joke for Pacific islanders...

Pacific tuna population may crash at any time

25/05/2010 15:57
Researchers warn that confidence in stock's health could be misplaced. By David Cyranoski Nature News: Numbers of Pacific bluefin tuna may be about to go the same way as those of their Atlantic cousins. The Pacific population was thought to be the endangered fish's only remaining stronghold. But...

Samoas climate change error

25/05/2010 15:43
By Cherelle Jackson APIA - It has been five months since Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi stood in front of world leaders in Copenhagen, Denmark and addressed the impacts of climate change on Samoa. In the audience in Copenhagen were some of the world’s leading scientists and...

Biodiversity and Samoas shallow commitments

18/05/2010 08:58
APIA - Let's talk biodiversity as it is timely with the celebrations of the this week. If you have not heard or seen the word 'biodiversity' this week, then let me enlighten you. To use a definition by the brains at Princeton, biodiversity is the diversity of plant and animal life in a particular...
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